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Tuesday, August 26, 2003 |
FotoKey. My friend Paul English is writing photo gallery software because he hasn't found any that suits all his needs, including: "three sizes of each photo, keyboard navigation, netflix-style starbar ratings, email, shutterfly upload, EXIF camera settings info, and CSS templates." He says: Fotokey is for people who already have their own website, and want their photos on their own site vs. hosted elsewhere. It currently works on linux servers, although could be made to work elsewhere. All source code is on the site, and the application is free for any use. I'm looking for some digital photographers who can... [Joho the Blog] 11:32:48 AM ![]() |
Need to review: Welcome to TWiki, a flexible, powerful, and easy to use Web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool, on an intranet or on the internet 9:28:06 AM ![]() |
why i still hate wikis. <rant> I’m not posting this on Many-to-Many, despite the fact that it’s really a follow up to my other posts there. I don’t want to stir the pot and start a debate right now. I just want to express my extreme frustration with trying to use a wiki, before I explode. Tonight Dorothea and I started talking about the architecture for the syndication project wiki (pie/echo/atom/whatever). I figured it made all kinds of sense to create wiki pages for our discussion, so I created one for our thoughts on topical organization, and one for our thoughts on audience-focused organization. The... [mamamusings] 9:24:16 AM ![]() |
PIMs and Information Clients. Roland Tanglao points to a survey of emerging Personal Information Managers software applications. "There is a new breed of PIMs emerging that I'm *very* excited about. They are all addressing, in different ways, that fact that email clients have been unspeakable abominations for the last few years. The email client paradigm was okay when it was the primary method of "net communication" and you got 10's of messages a day. In the current world of InstantMessages, 100's of emails and adhoc group forming .... they just don't cut it. We need better Intelligent Agents." Gary Burd has a similar posting on what he terms "information clients". [E M E R G I C . o r g]9:16:16 AM ![]() |