Gary Robinson's Rants
Rants on spam, business, digital music, patents, and other assorted random stuff.


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 Sunday, August 25, 2002

ACM summarizing an article in The Futurist: Virtual nations (v-nations) are online masses of individuals, unified by a common cause or ideology, that mirror real nations in the inclusion of and progression toward leadership, laws, power, security, monetary systems, and other elements. They will act as both a threat to and a hope for global resource allocation, cooperation, and security. The accessibility and technical infrastructure of the Internet gives such groups the tools to quickly amass tremendous collective power: For instance, in its 14-month existence, the Lifecast community rapidly aggregated enough wealthy, influential members to form an entity that would have ranked 23rd among the world's economies.
5:24:39 PM    

A white black bear. (Not an albino.) A rule enacted against shooting such bears during bear hunting season. Exactly one bear known to be protected by the rule.
5:14:51 PM    

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