Venezuela : News about my country
Updated: 10/19/05; 8:59:12 PM.


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Tuesday, August 9, 2005

I'm starting to think that a US invasion of Venezuela is actually Chavez exit strategy...
4:31:05 PM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

CD copy protect excels at impeding legal copying. While music fans frown when they learn that they can't always play their latest purchase on a device of their choosing, piracy rages on.

By (Ken "Caesar" Fisher). [Ars Technica]

This is so brain dead! Best of you by the Foo Fighters is the number one swapped song in the P2P networks! You can't buy it in iTunes, you can't buy a CD and get it to iTunes... Guess what? The pirates selling CDs in my country already have it! What's the point?
Update: Bullshit! You can find it in iTunes... That actually makes it even worse, since anyone can buy it in iTunes and burn a not copy protected CD. Wake up guys... And wake me up too! (I actually searched in iTunes and couldn't find it, but then I noticed I've already bought it there, either the iTunes search or me are brain dead. I suspect me, since I found it the second time I tried).
12:16:39 PM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

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