Updated: 7/1/2004; 8:57:18 AM.
Bruce Landon's Weblog for Students
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Correlation Meter. This shockwave application is a simple on-screen interactive tool that can be incorporated into any web page to illustrate the differences between positive and negatively correlated data. [openMLX demo: Newest Items]
8:58:57 AM      Google It!.

NY Times Hosts Its Own RSS Feeds Now!.

"The NY Times is now providing its own RSS feeds, with several new categories including media and advertising, most-emailed, real estate, theater, Times on the Trail, multimedia, theater, Circuits, Week in Review and the Sunday magazine section. Unfortunately the education, dining and wine feeds and perhaps others are gone. The continuing feeds redirect, so most aggregators should adust automatically." [Scripting News]

A very good thing, and a note to myself to change the URLs in the slides for my RSS class and presentation.

[The Shifted Librarian]
8:21:45 AM      Google It!.

Postcard from the Future (and It Includes RSS).

A Brief Message about Why My TiVo and Treo, Rule

"This is the confirmation email I received from TiVo after I:

  • Heard that Michael Moore was going to be on 60 Minutes
  • Was miles from home and wished I could somehow schedule my TiVo to record this show
  • Turned to my trusty Treo 600, and pointed the browser to Tivo Central Online to sign-in and schedule this recording
  • Return home to find 60 Minutes recorded perfectly per my request.

I know I live in the future a bit, being an early adopter and all, but the future is grand - and highly recommended." [shellen dot com, via buzzmachine]

I'm going to start using that last line everywhere! I'll have to try to use my Treo 600 to access MyReplayTV to see if I can schedule a recording on one of my ReplayTVs!

Tangent: check out this great quote from Jeff Jarvis:

"Feeding me -- sending me any kind of content anytime anywhere on any device -- is the promise of this medium in an ever-connected world and RSS will be at the core of that. This is just the beginning."

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? ;-)

Interestingly, I was interviewed by a reporter this morning for a Redeye article about RSS. Let's hope this is the first sign of a clue over at the Tribune Company!

[The Shifted Librarian]
8:20:40 AM      Google It!.

The Blog Blinks On (and Off).. Catch Up on OpenMLX.

The dog has not died, but the author has been offline following the NMC 2004 Summer conference in Vancouver, taking advantage of the launch point for some relaxing travel to Vancouver Island and the tremendous Rocky Mountains south of Jasper, Alberta.

It is just a short stopover in Phoenix to change clothes, repack for a few more days of R&R up in Strawberry, AZ. But just to whet your appetites, for those beyond the literal handful of attendees at my session for the NMC Summer Conference, here is what you missed as far as New Directions for the Maricopa Learning eXchange.

The gate is open, we have our first iteration (rough as it is) of a clone of the MLX, an "openMLX" that will reside at the 24/7 Test Bed:


-- what you can do, our blog audience at this point, is to actually create an account, and make your own MLX packages on this test site. I'll send a few Maricopa tchotckies to the first person to create a real package that is able to solicit some real comments.

Once I return to the office July 6, I'll fill in more details as we move towards a late July (paws crossed) release of the MLX source code.[cogdogblog] -- this is pretty close to sharing the wealth of ideas in a present moment that might be "just in time" pedagogical assistance that brings a community together around teaching and learning -- BL

8:17:54 AM      Google It!.

New Media's Age of Anxiety. At a time when many Americans consider journalists no more trustworthy than the politicians they cover, the profession needs to cast a critical eye on itself. Adam L. Penenberg's column, debuting here today, takes a step in that direction. [Wired News]
7:58:43 AM      Google It!.

Mozilla Foundation press release on a new plug-in architecture, also supported by Macromedia, Apple, Sun, Opera, "...to extend the Netscape Plugin Application Program Interface in a manner that allows greater interactivity with plugins such as Flash, Shockwave, QuickTime and Java, resulting in a richer, more interactive web." [Scripting News]
7:53:34 AM      Google It!.

Stem cell therapy for Parkinson's. Human embryo stem cells have been used to treat rats with symptoms of Parkinson's disease. [BBC News | Science/Nature | UK Edition]
7:49:05 AM      Google It!.

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