Discriminating against whom? - In yet another amazing display of double talk Labor MP Jan Burnswoods is re-introducing a private members Bill to lower the age of consent for homosexual sex [SMH].
Jan leads with the most stupid line I have ever heard uttered in a public forum in my life. She says
"The law has slipped way behind what people are doing and how they are thinking,"
Since when does what people think and do become the basis for societies laws? Let's take a look at a few observations and weigh up the pros and cons shall we?
Many people like speeding - it gets them to where they are going faster. Yet we still impose fines and recriminations for speeding
Many young people enjoy taking drugs Yet we still criminalise the sale, distribution and consumption of drugs
A section of society would love nothing more than to have sexual encounters with young children Yet we regard and enforce this as a criminal activity
My question is this - who want the age of consent lowered for homosexual sex? Do the 16 year olds? Maybe - the law will certainly not stop them engaging in whatever they want to if the figures on drug consumption, speeding, assult and high school uniform infractions are to be believed.
So who is this for?
Perhpas it's for the 45 year old men who would prefer not to be subject to criminal sanctions if they are ever found indulging in such parttimes with boys of the aformentioned age.
Come on Jan - why are you really campaigning for this?
1:33:39 PM