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Friday, March 12, 2004

Desktop Management

Infoworld, 3/11/04: HP to buy TruLogica for automated provisioning

TruLogica will be integrated into HP's OpenView network management tool

by Peter Sayer

Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) has agreed to acquire TruLogica Inc. in order to integrate the company's automated IT provisioning software in its HP OpenView network management tool, HP announced Thursday.

By integrating TruLogica's software into OpenView Select Access, HP will be able to offer a complete federated identity management system, it said. HP acquired the Select Access federated identity technology from Baltimore Technologies PLC last year.


C|net, 3/11/04:   CA buys desktop management software maker

Computer Associates International on Thursday acquired privately held Miramar Systems, a provider of desktop management software, for an undisclosed sum.

Miramar's products are designed to make it easier for companies to upgrade a large number of PCs without significant disruption and labor in restoring users' set-ups. Computer Associates said that the company's Desktop DNA software, which keeps track of a PC's settings and configurations, will be incorporated into Computer Associates' Unicenter systems management line as well as its BrightStor storage products and eTrust security line.


C|net, 3/12/04:  Offshore is in--get used to it

By Charles Cooper

Are you ready for eight more months of demagoguery about how to stop the loss of American technology jobs? I'm sure you're as thrilled about that prospect as I am.

With Lou Dobbs morphing into Howard Beale, ranting against the export of our great middle class existence has reached the level of spectator sport. In the run-up to the fall presidential election, rest assured that the noise is only going to get louder.



eWeek, 3/11/04: Study: Spam Filters Often Lose E-Mails

By Anick Jesdanun

As spam-fighting tools become increasingly aggressive, e-mail recipients risk losing newsletters and promotions they've requested.

A new study attempts to quantify missed bulk mailings. Return Path, a company that monitors e-mail performance for online marketers, found that nearly 19 percent of e-mail sent by its customers never reached the inboxes of intended recipients.


Infoworld, 3/12/04:   Office XP update interferes with spam filters

Users complain of security warnings popping up with each e-mail message received

By Joris Evers,

Microsoft Corp.'s latest set of updates for Office XP is causing headaches for users of two junk mail filtering products.

After installing Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3), users of Sunbelt Software Inc.'s iHateSpam and Cloudmark Inc.'s SpamNet are complaining about security warnings popping up with each e-mail message they receive, according to reports Thursday on the Windows NTBugtraq mailing list.



Business Week, 3/24/04:  Servers: More Bells And Whistles, Please

Tech buyers aren't just looking for bargains now -- they want innovation

Soon after Jeffrey Skolnick took over as head of the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics at State University of New York at Buffalo in 2002, he bought 2,000 low-end servers from Dell Inc. (DEL ). The center needed new computers for the massive calculations required for drug discovery, and Skolnick was thrilled at what he thought would be huge savings. "I was very optimistic," he recalls. Turns out, it wasn't that simple. The servers crashed regularly, and Dell's techies didn't fix the problem. A Dell spokesman declined to comment on Skolnick's complaint but said other customers at the university were happy with its products.


9:20:09 AM    

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