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Tuesday, March 30, 2004


C|net, 3/30/04:  Report: Offshore IT outsourcing helps economy

By Ed Frauenheim

In the latest salvo in a debate over sending tech work overseas, a report sponsored by an industry group concludes that the practice is good for the U.S. economy and its workers.

Offshore outsourcing of software and information technology services tasks not only is boosting the U.S. gross domestic product but also helping to generate U.S. jobs, including positions in the IT sector, according to the report. Released Tuesday, it was prepared by research firm Global Insight and sponsored by the Information Technology Association of America trade group.


Utility Computing

eWeek, 3/29/04:  On-Demand Computing Takes Hold at IBM

By Darryl K. Taft

eWEEK gets a behind-the-scenes look at IBM's strategy for transformation—and sees a company reinventing itself in line with its on-demand message.

When CEO Sam Palmisano set IBM on the path toward On Demand in October 2002, he said the company would help its customers better respond to their own customers, competitors and rapidly changing market. But in Palmisano's view, the transformation starts at home, so he decided IBM must first transform itself into an on-demand entity as proof that the company was ready for an on-demand world.

Collaboration was key to delivering an on-demand environment, said Linda Sanford, senior vice president of enterprise on-demand transformation and information technology at IBM and the executive Palmisano picked to lead the company's internal effort to reinvent itself as an on-demand entity.



Computerworld, 3/29/04:  Cisco warns of new hacking tool kit

The Cisco Global Exploiter uses exploits for nine software vulnerabilities  

News Story by Paul Roberts

Cisco Systems Inc. has warned customers about the public release of computer code that exploits multiple security vulnerabilities in Cisco products.

Using exploits for nine software vulnerabilities, the program could allow malicious hackers to compromise Cisco's popular Catalyst switches or a wide variety of machines running versions of the company's Internetwork Operating System (IOS), the networking equipment vendor said Saturday.



Microsoft, 3/26/04:  Microsoft Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley

The Microsoft® Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley can help your company efficiently manage the extensive work required to comply with sections 302 and 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


11:39:22 AM    

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