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Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Gartner, 5/20/04:  Outsourcers Must Prepare for Sarbanes-Oxley Demands

Abstract: Outsourcers need to prepare for scrutiny from their clients' auditors and for cost-benefit analyses of contracts to assess the impact of audits and other expenses related to Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.



Gartner, 5/19/04:  Despite Election Results, It’s Business as Usual for Indian IT

Despite the defeat of the governing party, and the stock-market panic that followed, the prospects for the Indian IT industry are as strong as ever.


Gartner, 5/12/04:  Weigh Eight Factors Before Going Offshore

Assess the pros and cons before making what may be a controversial move to offshore outsourcing. Consider the eight key factors in Gartner’s framework when structuring your initial debate.



Gartner, 5/11/04:  SMBs Increase IT Spending Through 2005

The small and midsize business market will continue to be a major source of opportunity for IT vendors through 2005. SMB IT spending will reach $400 billion worldwide in 2004, and will increase by 7 percent in 2005.


Gartner, 5/19/04:  IS Staff Size Helps Shape IT Needs of SMBs

The size of a small and midsize business IS department offers clues about its IT needs and purchasing behavior. Prudent IT vendors will create solutions that fit the needs and capabilities of various IS organizations.



Gartner, 5/20/04:  Sarbanes-Oxley Alters Customers' IT Services Buying Decisions

Abstract: Sarbanes-Oxley brings risk to the forefront of every IT purchase decision. CEOs and CFOs are now held accountable, so external service providers must re-evaluate their marketing and sales practices.


Gartner, 5/19/04:  Ten Tips for Lowering Your CRM Total Cost of Ownership

Enterprises can lower the total cost of ownership for customer relationship management by planning, budgeting for internal resources and recognizing a solution's purchase price is only one component of a project's total cost.


Gartner, 5/19/04:  CRM on Demand Is More Expensive Than You Think

Many application service providers offer great initial deals on hosted customer relationship management software. But buyers face problems with lock-in, uncapped price hikes on renewal and hidden costs for increased use.



Gartner, 5/18/04:  Magic Quadrant, Wireless LAN, 1H04: Leaders and Challengers

The wireless LAN market is experiencing record growth, and options for customers are rich and varied. WLAN leader and challenger vendors are evaluated to help enterprises with the decision-making process.


Microsoft, 5/25/04:  Windows XP SP2 Inches Closer

By Ryan Naraine

SAN DIEGO -- A second release candidate for Microsoft's Windows XP Service Pack 2 (XP SP2) could make its debut here as early as Wednesday if developers could work out a nasty bug that affects gaming on 64-bit hardware.

According to people familiar with the matter, beta testers running games on 64-bit systems reported problems with the hardware-enforced data execute protection (also known as NX, or no execute) which is built into SP2 to thwart buffer overflow attack scenarios.



Dan Bricklin Weblog, MITX Fireside Chat with "Tipping Point" author Malcolm Gladwell

Technology, he says, raises questions it can't answer. He talked about cancer. Mammography gives us a type of breast cancer that can only be found on x-rays. Because we see them, we treat them, but it's unclear if that is cutting down the number of bad cases of breast cancer the little ones are supposed to be a precursor to. The diagnostic tools become the definition of the disease. Full body MRI of normal people he sees as a bad idea. Most cancers don't progress -- better to learn how to fix things after they progress.


8:45:42 AM    

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