An interesting discussion on comp.lang.smalltalk on Visual Programming languages. Samuel Shuster comments:
Visual Programming has failed, right out in the public, in real world, in real failed use.
To which Steven Kelly replies:
Over 30% of the world's mobile phone market is composed of devices whose 'real running code' was made with a domain-specific visual language, using a metaCASE tool running on VW. Visual Programming has succeeded, in real-world use - it's just not as publicly visible as we'd like. Just like Smalltalk, it's a competitive advantage that companies don't want to reveal to their competitors.
Having used Visual Age PARTS in Visual Age C++ I can say I hated that style of development. The PARTS screen ended up a mess of interconnected lines crossing over and being very unmaintainable. It was eye opening to read Stevens message of the success that Visual Programming is having when used properly.
The mobile phone manufacturer mentioned appears to be Nokia.
11:50:52 PM