For the curious, Lojban is a constructed language.
The grammer of the language is based on principles of logic, is described by a YACC grammer, and is easily machine parseable.
Lojban speech is audio-visually isomorphic. That is, everything that can be spoken can be expressed in writing. According to the 'Why Lojban' text: "the writing system has a grapheme for every phoneme and vice versa, and there are no supra-segmental phonemes (such as tones or pitch) which are not represented in the writing system."
Lojban is a language in the same mold as Loglan, which received mention in the June 1960 issue of Scientific American. It has also received mention in some Robert Heinlen books (Moon is a Harsh Mistress for example).
One of the ideas behind the creation of Lojban and Loglan was to test the Saphir Whorf Hypothesis.
A book is available describing the language, The Complete Lojban Language. It's a great quality hardcover book and if constructed languages interest you it may be worth a purchase.
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