Updated: 5/10/2002; 7:44:38 AM.
Kevin Altis' Radio Weblog

PythonCard, Python, OS X, and opinions on whatever technology I'm dabbling in these days like XML-RPC and SOAP.

Categories: Python, PythonCard, OS X, Web Services (XML-RPC and SOAP)

Thursday, April 25, 2002

Dan Shafer has posted an enthusiastic piece about PythonCard on OS X.

This seems like a good time to mention that PythonCard is open source (Python license, not GPL, but GPL-compatible) and as such is the creation of everyone participating on the PythonCard-users mailing list. Even users that aren't contributing code to the framework, but are sharing feedback and criticism and bug reports are part of the project team. Anyone can contribute, it is as simple getting the software, joining the list and then making some posts.

I'm acting as "fearless leader" and writing a lot of the samples and framework code these days, but Rowland Smith wrote almost all of the original framework last summer after we had a week-long brainstorming session on how PythonCard should work. Since then a lot of people have come aboard and contributed code and ideas and so we're all part of the process of making the idea of PythonCard real.

10:29:42 AM    

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