AppleScript Info

April 2003
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contact: rob at

 Tuesday, April 1, 2003
Eudora 5.2.1 released

Among the changes to this popular email client, this version fixes a crash when running a script from the Scripts menu.
9:33:31 PM    

AppleScript A Lo Loco "AppleScript A Lo Loco posts several AppleScript articles in Spanish. Includes a brief introduction to the elements and conventions of the articles, a concise overview of how AppleScript works, explanation of variables, file and folder references, objects, handlers, dialogs, text delimiters, third-party resources, and much more. This 'AppleScript in Castilian' website has plans to continue adding articles to assist Spanish-language scripters with the AppleScript dialect."
9:11:47 PM    

Independent Macintosh Shareware Developers Group

If this concept appeals to you, and for more details, visit the web site which has been set up to gauge interest and solicit feedback.
IMSDG would decide, as a group, the most important technical issues facing its membership, and then present those issues to Apple, most likely via the developer relations group, with a unified voice.

8:07:48 PM    

Script Debugger/AppleScript Studio Sample Project

Late Night Software has made a sample project available that illustrates how to use Script Debugger's AppleScript Debugger within AppleScript Studio. It requires Script Debugger 3.0.6 and the Script Debugger Nub 1.4.1 update. The updated nub is offered for Script Debugger 3.0.6 users who are experiencing problems while debugging AppleScript Studio applications.
7:16:26 PM    

Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes news

Updated: CDDB Safari Kit - This download contains two scripts: "CDDB Safari", which uses Safari to search CDDB for info on the selected or currently playing iTunes track, and "CDDB Track Names Safari", which imports the track names of the current CDDB album page to the track names of the front playlist. Both are no longer Run-Only (so you can open them in Script Editor), and "CDDB Safari" now offers options to search by track name, artist, and album.

Reinstated: Filenames to Track Names - This script copies the filenames of the selected tracks to the corresponding track name tags. It was pulled a while back because of problems when using it while iTunes 3's Advanced Preferences is set to Keep iTunes Music Folder Organized. Unfortunately, while this is set iTunes will try to name the file with the track name, the reverse of the script's function, so you'll never get it to work correctly. Works fine in OS 9 with iTunes 2.0.4.
6:47:40 PM    

Cronathon 1.6

Cronathon allows users to run OS X's daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance tasks at once, or separately. Release notes: Reintroduced the monthly cron task. Maintenance reports are sent to user's mail account via sendmail. Cronathon outputs reports to ~/Documents/MaintReports/. Updated user interface.
6:00:22 PM