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                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:56:29 PM.



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Wednesday, March 2, 2005

- Novak tells Vanity Fair that he's doing God's work, Washington Post
- Novak's "Big Lies" Set Stage for Nicaragua/Venezuela Interventions, by Chuck Kaufman
- The Lawsuit Against Donald Rumsfeld Over U.S. Torture Policies, ACLU
- Can George Bush say under oath, "I never had sex with that man...", By Jane Stillwater

"I'm trying to tell the truth and taking positions that I hope are godly positions, positions that I hope are helpful to my fellow man and I don't think there's any law against enjoying myself in the process."

- - Robert Novak ("Scumbag For Democracy")

1899 -- US Congress allows railroad companies blanket approval for rights- of-way through Indian lands.
1964 -- Actor Marlon Brando arrested at a "fish-in" at Frank's Landing, Washington, in support of Native American fishing rights. There is little popular white support, not even progressives or leftists who supported Negro civil rights. Later, another celebrity, comedian Dick Gregory, joins this Native American struggle. In 2004, The Indian leader of this fishing rights struggle, Billy Frank is awarded the American Indian Visionary Award by the newspaper Indian Country Today.
2005 -- Professor of law, history and religion, author and visionary Vine Deloria, Jr. receives the American Indian Visionary Award from the newspaper Indian Country Today at the National Press Club in Washington DC. For more info go to:


I'm writing from the nation's capitol, here for the presentation of The American Indian Visionary Award to Vine Deloria Jr. (see the Know Your History section for more on this).

One of this fine city's citizens is the man John Stewart has so correctly deemed the "Scumbag For Democracy," Robert Novak. To hear this man claim in the latest Vanity Fair that he is doing the lord's work is enough to make a Rhino gag on his vegetables. (Rhinos are vegetarians you know).


Novak tells Vanity Fair that he's doing God's work
by Chuck Kaufman, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace, 2/24/055
AT: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A61861-2005Mar1.html


This from the creep that did the Warlords' dirty work in outing CIA agent Valerie Plane, and has enough pull with the shrub gang that he remains at large even though much less-involved "journalists" are going to jail in that case. And now Novak is part of the gang's propaganda machine preparing the US for an attack against Venezuela and other Latin American countries. Venezuela seems to be right alongside Iran as upcoming sequels to Iraq. The following piece dissects Novak's recent column entitled, "Latin America's Infection." The piece offers encouragement (and so does the Rhino) for you to write your favorite media outlets to counter his packs of lies. It also offers talking points to use in that effort and for other uses as this threat grows.

Columnist Novak's "Big Lies" Set Stage for Nicaragua/Venezuela Interventions
By PAUL KRUGMAN, NY Times, February 18, 2005
Syndicated columnist Robert Novak published a column, "Latin America's Infection," in newspapers across the United States today, Feb. 24, 2005. Not since Otto Reich was running the Nicaragua disinformation campaign from the State Department in the 1980s has such a pack of lies and distortions appeared in the corporate media..

Novak uses the "big lie" technique developed by the Nazi propaganda machine and honed to perfection by Reich. "Latin America's Infection" is such a distortion of reality that countering it takes far more words than Novak used to construct his work of fiction. Nevertheless, such lies cannot go unanswered. In 16 column inches of vitriol, Novak manages to slime progressive forces in Nicaragua, Venezuela, Brazil, and Chile. His obvious intent is to build a case for US intervention in what he calls "America's back yard;" countries that are spurning US hegemony and "free" trade depravations. We must defend Nicaragua and Venezuela specifically and Latin American sovereignty in general. The Nicaragua Network urges all progressive activists to deluge newspapers carrying Novak's column with letters-to-the-editor countering the distortions. Below are talking points for your assistance...

READ IT ALL AT: http://tinyurl.com/5hgyc


Speaking of blows against the empire, the ACLU and Human Rights First has filed a law suit against the Rummie for his responsibility is the ongoing torture scandal.

The Lawsuit Against Donald Rumsfeld Over U.S. Torture Policies
ACLU, March 1, 2005
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld bears direct responsibility for the torture and abuse of detainees in U.S. military custody, the ACLU and Human Rights First charged in the first federal court lawsuit to name a top U.S. official in the ongoing torture scandal in Iraq and Afghanistan that has tarnished America's reputation. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Illinois on behalf of eight men who were subject to torture and abuse at the hands of U.S. forces under Secretary Rumsfeld's command. The groups charged Secretary Rumsfeld with violations of the U.S. Constitution and international law prohibiting torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment...

MORE: http://www.aclu.org/SafeandFree/SafeandFree.cfm?ID=17572&c=206


And then there's the rolling boil scandal regarding The White House, the Military Escort, Gannon or Guckert or whatever his name is, & accusations that he may even have connections to a DC pedophilia ring. Check out blogger Jane Stillwater's comparison of the scandal to the Monica affair, & the links at the bottom to 2 related conspiracy possibilities.


9:26:29 AM    comment

Can George Bush say under oath, "I never had sex with that man..."
By Jane Stillwater, jpstillwater.blogspot.com, Feb 27, 2005

"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy." - Edwin W. Edwards

What possibly could be more sleazy than having the Clinton/Lewinsky affair shoved in our faces daily from the front page of the New York Times? Suddenly our children were learning new words that they had never heard before. Gross. Now our children are learning even MORE facts of life, thanks to George W. Bush. "Military escort" is taking on a whole new meaning for them. "Mommy, what exactly does a male prostitute do?"


Here's a photo of George Bush salivating over his "protege" Jeff Gannon, another White House intern. Will George Bush be able to state under oath, "I never had sex with that man...."

This Gannon affair is truly sleazy and should probably not even be discussed in public. So why am I dragging all this trash up from the gutter? Because I, as an American citizen, need to know that the kind of behavior that was sanctioned by Bush at Abu Ghraib will no longer be originating in the Oval Office -- or in the Lincoln Bedroom. I want the White House to be a symbol of respect and dignity again...

READ THE REST AT: http://www.jpstillwater.blogspot.com

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7:47:02 AM    comment

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