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Updated: 12/5/05; 12:56:30 PM.



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Monday, March 7, 2005

- Human Rights Activists Assassinated by Colombian Military, SOA Watch
- Kill Chavez?, By Ignacio Ramonet, Cubanow.net
- Haiti: A Bleak and Dismal Country One Year Later, By Ira Kurzban, The Miami Herald
- Haiti: A Cry for Help , by Leisa Faulkner Barnes, CommonDreams

"War Is A Racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

- - Major General Smedley Butler (US Marine Corps, Retired)

March 7, 1996 -- Guatemala: 500 women march on the National Palace in Guatemala City in commemoration of state violence against women.
March 8, 1983 -- US President Reagan tells a national convention of evangelicals in Orlando, Florida that the Soviet Union is "the focus of evil in the modern world ... an evil empire. This while US Government operatives including Juan Blackpoint, are in cahoots with Central American military operatives, carrying out policies of torture & murder upon Central American Indians, Catholic Liberation Theologist Priests & Nuns, college students & their professors, & union organizers.
March 9, 1981 -- US President Reagan endorses Casey's CIA plan for destabilization of Nicaragua in the same year he makes an illegal arms deal with Iran, this according to Bani-Sadr. March 9, the following year, the Washington Post reveals $19 million in CIA covert aid illegally given to the Contras.
March 10, 1987 -- United Nations recognizes conscientious objection to military service as a human right.
March 11, 1988 -- Beginning of 10 days of direct actions at Nevada Nuclear Test Site which results in over 2,200 arrests, the largest number of arrests at a political protest outside Washington, D.C. in U.S. history. The event is ignored by mainstream media.


They'd have us believe it's for democracy in Iraq, lettin' loose with thousands of bombs of "shock & awe" onto the crowded city of Baghdad. For democracy they sent tens of thousands of American kids in, after scattering tons of depleted uranium around God only knows where. For democracy? Hard to swallow, knowing the same crew, just last year, overthrew the democratically elected government in Haiti, and has been doing everything they can to destroy the twice over elected government of Venezuela. If Bush & Company truly cared about fostering democracy, they wouldn't be acting like their military-industrial complex forebears.

For a quick & deep briefing on that history, check out the following web posted book:

War Is A Racket
By Major General Smedley Butler Major General - United States Marine Corps, Retired


This Blog entry offers reports on the results of recent US foreign policy in Columbia, Haiti and Venezuela. Every one important. Every one being ignored by the tri-letter broadcasters.

Colombian Human Rights Activists and Children Assassinated by Colombian Military

SOA Watch, 2/28/05
SOA Watch was saddened and outraged to receive the news of the February 21st assassination of seven civilians -- three of them children -- active in the San Jose de Apartado Peace Community in Uraba. Among those murdered by the 11th Brigade of the Colombian Army was Luis Eduardo, one of the founders of the community. Also brutally killed were Luis's partner, their 11-year-old son, two other community organizers and their two young children. In November of 2002, Luis was a featured speaker at the Fort Benning demonstration. In the photo at right, Luis addresses the crowd gathered in opposition to the SOA/ WHINSEC. Photo by Linda Panetta.

SOA Watch urges you to act to pressure Congress to cut off funds to the Colombian military. This brutality is the fruit of Clinton's Plan Colombia and Bush's Andean Indicative -- the death of two peace activists, and five women and children, one only two years old. Let this be for justice in Colombia what the murder of the Jesuits and two workers in El Salvador were, a rallying point for international outrage against human rights abuses and the governments that use them as a tool of social repression.

LEARN MORE AT: http://www.soaw.org/new


By Ignacio Ramonet, Cubanow.net, March 2005
...We must fear that the next stage could be that of State crime, the assassination of Hugo Chavez. Venezuelan vice-president, Jose Vicente Rangel, has shown photographs which prove the existence in Homestead, Florida (USA), of a training camp for paramilitary troops -who have no problems with US authorities- destined to act in Venezuela. Some of these terrorists are already operating on Venezuelan territory. Proof: on May 2nd last year, a group of 91 Colombian paramilitary elements, linked to the CIA and whose objective was to kill Chavez, were arrested outside of Caracas. The head of the group, Jose Ernesto Ayala Amado, „Commander Lucas‰, admitted -according to his own confession- that his mission was to „cut Chavez's head off.‰ This way of assassinating a political figure is encouraged within the ranks of the opposition... ...The recent assassination of District Attorney Danilo Anderson makes it clear that it is not just a matter of words. ! And the fact that Hawks of the stature of George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice or Roger Noriega now renew their threats is an undeniable signal that the project to kill Chavez is in process. It's time to denounce it so as to discourage them from carrying it out. If not, rivers of blood will again run through the open veins of Latin America.

MORE: http://www.cubanow.net/global/loader.php?&secc=10&item=198&cont=show.php


Haiti: A Bleak and Dismal Country One Year Later
By Ira Kurzban, The Miami Herald, Tuesday 01 March 2005

One year after the coup d'etat against Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the nation's first democratically elected president, the situation is dismal. The Caribbean Community of nations (CARICOM) just last week expressed deep concern over ''the deteriorating human-rights situation in Haiti,'' including ''serious abuses at the hands of the police'' and ``the indefinite detention of Lavalas (Aristide's party) leaders and activists.'' Former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune and former Minister of the Interior Jocelerme Privert, held for almost one year without any charges, are now on a hunger strike.

Even journalists broadcasting for U.S. news services are no longer safe from the U.S.-installed government of Gerard Latortue. Abdias Jean, a correspondent for a Miami radio station, was summarily executed last month by Haitian police because he had witnessed the execution of a 17-year-old girl. The situation has become so grave for journalists in Haiti that the Inter-American Press Association convened an Emergency Forum on Press Freedom in Haiti two weeks ago.

At the same time, Haitians supportive of Aristide are being slaughtered in the neighborhoods. The Latortue government and Minister of Justice Bernard Gousse celebrated the anniversary of the coup by condoning the execution of more than 25 Aristide supporters in various poor areas of Port-au-Prince this weekend. The police, who are now largely made up of former military and death squad members, conduct ''operations'' in Aristide strongholds that constitute little more than summary executions. Just yesterday, Haitian police fired on peaceful protesters ...

MORE: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0301-24.htm


8:34:25 AM    comment

Haiti: A Cry for Help
by Leisa Faulkner Barnes, CommonDreams.org, March 2, 2005

Marking the first anniversary of the day US Marines escorted democracy and President Jean Bertrand Aristide from Haiti, the people poured out into the streets in solidarity and fear, demonstrating their hope for freedom, and a restoration of democracy. Thousands of Haitians took to the streets all over Haiti this weekend dancing and singing, clapping and chanting in overwhelming support of the movement that is growing despite the death squads that roam the streets searching out Lavalas supporters for summary executions. About six thousand filled the streets of Cap Haitian where I walked with them as a shield on Sunday. The assassins put the word "Police" on their varied uniforms, but no one thinks of them as officers of the peace. I photographed them eyeing the crowd with their fingers ready on their US supplied rifles. I photographed the tanks and armored vehicles encircling the exuberant crowd. I photographed the faces of hope that because of their mass felt ! safe to hold up to my camera their own images of President Aristide...

... For the third time this week, the death squads welded their unmatched fire-power against the defenseless poor. Ten were gunned down on Thursday, five more on Friday before the demo. It is routine in the poorest sections of the Bel Air slums for roaming "officers" to open fire on the "sharma," as they call them -- street rats, young homeless and hungry boys who have no one to report their loss. The Haitian poor turn to us, the international community, to speak for them. I came home yesterday with the dust of Haiti on my shoes and the cries of the people in my ears. We train those that become their death squads; we supply the guns; we‚ve allowed the School of the Americas/WHINSEC to stay open.

READ IT ALL AT: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0302-28.htm

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