Updated: 7/18/2002; 6:02:59 AM. |
So many islands, so little time Living in Indonesia and learning to Weblog via Radio (along with many other very random thoughts and stories).
Alexa web search betaThis is a pretty cool search engine combined with reviews of websites. It is a strange combo of search and Amazon.com's interface. However, for my site it lists Userland as the contact. I'm sure that this is a by-product of using the Userland server, but it is kind of weird. Also, the picture is of someone else's Radio website and the page they are finding is actualy an old catagory that I've already deleted. Weird! Haven't posted for a long timeLife has been busy and Radio has been cranky. I keep getting problems in posting. Sure, I was up and posting within 5 minutes of installing Radio (well, actually I wasn't but that was due to an installation of an earlier version of Radio), but what good is that if it is soooo easy to get Radio screwed up?