Mark Szpakowski's shared mems and memes... gestating chaordic bindings in the co-emerging noosphere.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2002

Well, Jon Udell's article on Instant outlining deserves attention. Instant Outlining: like Instant Messaging, in that nodes (messages) can be shared to those subscribing to them, like e-mail, in that messages are shared between people, and like blogging, in that you get a narrative of ideas. But more, in the potential for semantic links and structure... Let's intertwingle!
12:05:13 PM    

Here's Tim Berners-Lee with a pretty good high-level view of the Semantic Web: interestingly enough describes it using a scenario similar to that in Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator concept ... basically you have your personal info husbandry agents which are like RDF-fixing bacteria nurturing URI nodes - my image!

He says, "With RDF, you write a few rules, and sharing the data is a breeze. It works as a hub, connecting your applications as spokes."

Ie, in a URI-centric world, you want to describe the relationships between the nodes (this arc connecting those two nodes is an authored-by link). Sense-making...

The nodes and the arcs are rich with metadata describing relationships. Since this web is symbiotic with us humans it must be human readable (so our spontaneities can move it), and since it fosters autonomous agent activities it must also be machine readable.
10:52:21 AM    

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Last update: 4/2/02; 11:11:27 AM.
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