Mark Szpakowski's shared mems and memes... gestating chaordic bindings in the co-emerging noosphere.

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Monday, April 15, 2002

Jack Park posted a pointer to Anticipation on the Bootstrap Alliance's Open Hypertext list. Which is right along the lines of call-by-future, as noted in my response (this link directly to the relevant paragraph courtesy of purple numbers).

call-by-future is an argument-evaluation and existentialization pattern offered by some programming environments, related to lazy evaluation (complementing call-by-value, call-by-reference, etc). Ie, we can proceed in confidence that we'll get the values we need when we really need them. This makes sense in highly distributed and asynchronous systems.

I argue that this is related to the notion of intentionality in the context of the binding problem, how previously disparate perceptions and actions are unified into identifiables. Ideally, we provide the call-by-future for our symbiotic software, co-emerging as the living web of the Noosphere. Homage to Teilhard de Chardin!

12:21:45 PM    

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