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The Site Formerly Known as Bit Working This site has moved to

by Joe Gregorio
::: Tuesday, February 12, 2002

To Do

  1. Clean-up the CSS for this site. Update: It is now a little better.
  2. Add a print-only style sheet. A diveintomark inspired feature.
  3. Come up with a workable naming scheme for style classes.
  4. Get back to writing about software development, the reason I started this blog.
  5. Start playing with the underlying SOAP in Radio which was my other reason for starting this.

10:20:47 PM  #  

"rather like mountaineers roped together". I like that quote Jonathon. It really does feel that way. The more I look around and see others climbing the CSS hill the higher I want to climb.

Today I like the look of my site, but the underlying CSS lacks the elegance of the templates. I feel like I just cleaned up the room and in the process filled up a closet full of junk. I have barely scratched the surface of the cascading part of cascading style sheets.

I also think there is a long way to go for the markup. As I did the templates I kept coming across two issues I always run into when programming. Naming conventions and flexibility. What do I call the class for the title bar? .title? But what if I want to re-use that same style on the footer? And what do I need to attach style classes to? Do I give a class name to every element in the template just in case I need it later, or is that what the cascading stuff is for?

It's a pretty tall mountain. Good thing there's some very good climbers ahead of me.

8:26:42 PM  #  

I have created a theme from my current layout if anyone wants to use it as a starting point for their own radio site.

4:55:24 AM  #