THE MOUSE THAT ATE THE PUBLIC DOMAIN is an excellent commentary on copyright, IP and large media corporations.
You meet the nicest people on the internet. And sometimes you get the good fortune to meet them face to face, which I did today when I had lunch with Mark Pilgrim. We had both been discussing with Dave Winer the relative merits of CSS versus Tables for layout when we discovered we both live in the same town. In fact, our houses are less than a mile from each other. Very cool.
Finished! Well, at least until I decide to redesign my website again. Using the selection controls in the upper right hand side of this page you can independently choose the style and layout of this site.
Note: You have to have JavaScript and cookies enabled for this to work.
You have the choice of 8 wonderful styles that I had absolutely nothing to do with, they are the W3C Core Styles, which explains why the colors, fonts and spacing look so nice. You also have the choice of 5 different layouts which are of my own devising. They replicate many of the layouts I have seen in blogs over the past month, except 'newspaper' which I have never seen used in a blog before. The inspiration for 'newspaper' came from Chris Casciano and his experiment in CSS (switch to style 5 once you get there). My personal favorite is 'newspaper' though this layout still has some bugs in it so browse with care while I finish mopping up.