Running Commentary
What's going on and What I'm thinking about it.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2002

A name for the market's problem: Will we trade to zero?

This is a good one:

Unsustainable downside momentum. That unsustainable part is, of course, my favorite. The rest from

Take a step back and think about what the world will look like on the last trading day of August 2002. 

Will prices of the best-known companies and stock index futures have fallen to zero? Will equity markets have disappeared? Will the futures markets that depend on the cash equity indices evaporate in tandem?

No. But that's what the current pace of decline -- the panic -- in the September S&P futures (SPU2:CME) implies. And that pace of descent is unsustainable.

Here's what I mean. The September S&Ps have tanked 28 points on average in each of the past three sessions. Measured from Monday's closing price of 819.80, if the S&Ps were to continue tanking at that pace, they would trade to zero in just 29 sessions.

By Sept. 2, the first trading day of the month, the S&Ps would be trading at zero. The capital markets as we know them, and all of the value tied up in them, would be gone.

Of course, markets don't go straight in one direction forever. But the pace of the recent decline is providing an example of unsustainable downside momentum. It is extremely unlikely that the financial world as we know it will have vanished by trading to zero by the beginning of September.

3:01:17 PM    

How does a 17 PE sound, for MSFT?

A friend points out that MSFT is carrying about $9.80/share in cash. I you back that out of today's closing price of, ouch, 43.71, you get a stock with a PE of 17.71. No cash in that number, but also no debt, 10% revenue growth, good earnings and probably a fine future.

1:05:30 PM    

Another Perspective on the Market.

Guy just flips a recent (this year) chart of the dow and comes up with this insane acceleration -- making the point that the recent dive makes no more sense on the downside than the same sort of rise would make on the upside.

Enough already. Enough.


A picture named 6578.jpg

12:30:13 PM    

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