Running Commentary
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Friday, June 28, 2002

Enron and Worldcom and Xerox are what Deregulation looks like

Minority Leader Gebhardt:

"It is, I think, telling that in 1995, when the Republican leadership came in, both Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay made statements that the main goal of their effort was to try to deregulate corporate America. Well, they did a lot of that in the last years, and now we see some of the results of that."

From a fine piece in the NYTimes about how the democrats are gaining political advanatge against the most corporate administration in a generation.

W Humour

“You know, when I was running for president, in Chicago, somebody said, would you ever have deficit spending? I said, only if we were at war, or only if we had a recession, or only if we had a national emergency. Never did I dream we’d get the trifecta.”

Except, apparently, he never said that when he was running for president, was still predicting surpluses as little as a month before 9/11, and now he's using thedisaster for political cover. Klassy. Just another example of how this administraiton is willing to be crassly opportunistic in pursuit of it's goals.

And they criticize Bill Clinton....

8:46:39 AM    

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