New Literacy
Bo Brock's weblog

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Wednesday, April 3, 2002

To properly compare weblogs with other media, it is necessary to first benchmark what I read elsewhere. To wit:

I subscribe to (and regularly read) the following magazines: Wired, Fast Company, The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Utne Reader, Harper's, Smithsonian, Discover, Granta, World Press Review, Harvard Business Review, Broadcasting & Cable, Business Week, Business 2.0, Technology Review.

Given this reading list -- which does not include books, newspapers, other websites, mailing lists, reference materials, etc. -- how much time do I have to read weblogs? Not much. What value do they add? I have no way of knowing until I read them. So while Dave Winer and other champions of the medium argue for the contextual strength of the weblog community, I still need to invest hundreds of hours in parsing the stuff, just as I did while shaping my magazine list. You still have to read.

What are the chances of weblogs being materially better or more diverse than my publications? I don't know yet, and the opportunity cost for finding out is huge.
11:01:10 PM    

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