New Literacy
Bo Brock's weblog

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Tuesday, April 9, 2002

Of course, I include myself as a member of the "uninformed weblog minions."
11:52:29 PM    

I swore I would refrain from "metacommentary," but this is too rich to pass up. To my mind, this is the quintessence of useless blogging:
NYTimes: Oprah Winfrey announced that she would no longer host monthly "book clubs" on her television talk show, saying that she could no longer find enough compelling books. A sad statement indeed [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]

What just happened? A weblogger took an asinine bite from a media star at face value, providing a link to the Times story with token commentary. Where is the value in that?

The status of Oprah's book club is not a proxy for the health of American publishing. Her literary taste aside, there are dozens of books published every year that are good enough to merit discussion on her show. She is purposely casting a more selective net, for reasons the uninformed weblog minions can only speculate about.
10:51:52 PM    

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