According to critics, an eavesdropper, constantly striving to go behind the curtains of heaven in order to steal divine secrets. May grant wishes.

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Travel, around the world. Sleep, less. Profit, more. Eat, deliciously. Find, a new home.
Species: featherless biped, chocolate addict
Roots: born in Sweden — lived also in Switzerland, USA, UK — mixed up genes from Sweden, Norway, India, Germany
Languages: French, English, Swedish, German, Portuguese, Latin, Ada, Perl, Java, assembly languages, Pascal, C/C++, etc.
Roles: entrepreneur, programme manager, methodology lead, quality and risk manager, writer, director of technology, project lead, solutions architect — as well as gardener, factory worker, farmhand, supermarket cleaner, programmer, student, teacher, language lawyer, traveller, soldier, lecturer, software engineer, philosopher, consultant

2003-May-30 [this day]

Excessive food, or lack of exercise?

TCS: over the past twenty years, [US] teenagers have, on average, increased their caloric intake by one percent. During that same time period, the percentage of teenagers who said they engaged in some sort of physical activity for thirty minutes a day dropped from 42 percent to 29 percent. Not surprisingly, teenage obesity over the twenty year period increased by 10 percent. The logical conclusion is that it isn't junk food that's making teenagers fat - it's their lack of activity. Interesting data. Probably a combination of the two causes: eating a little more, and exercising a lot less. One problem in the US is that physical activities are always tied to the public school. When I grew up in Switzerland, my friends and I engaged in multiple sports totally apart from and in addition to regularly scheduled "physical education" at school. We also used to walk a lot, rather than using the car. While I'm on topic, I dislike the excessively (maybe obsessively) huge portions served in American restaurants — it's always too much! [this item]

May 2003
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Delenda est. Sic tempus fugit. Ad baculum, ad hominem, ad nauseamque. Non sequitur.