Have you ever wanted to make several non-sequential words stand out by using a special font on your web page? Or have you ever wanted to change certain solid lines to dotted lines in graphics created with the drawing tools? If you've ever wanted to apply the same format to items in different locations on a page, you might not realize how easy it is. Instead of clicking the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar every time that you want to apply the new format, you can take advantage of the button's "sticky" feature.
Select the item whose format you would like to copy.
To copy the selected format to several items, double-click the Format Painter button. The button stays selected, or "sticky."
Select the text or graphic where you want to apply the new format.
When you're finished applying the format, click the Format Painter button again or press ESC.
Note Applying text and graphics formatting multiple times does not work between programs. For example, you cannot apply formatting from FrontPage to Word. More Information
For more information, type format painter or copy formats in the Office Assistant or on the Answer Wizard tab in the program's Help window, and then click Search. For related information, see Quickly Copy Formatting with the Format Painter in Office 2000.
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