Stupid Human Programming
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Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Personas are a powerful design tool, especially when combined with responsibility driven design. Cooper's personas are:
simply pretend users of the system you're building. You describe 
them, in a surprising amount of detail, and then design your 
system for them. 

I have a standard set of personas that i consider when creating a design/architecture that don't seem to be common. When you write code their are a lot of personas looking over your shoulder:

  1. other programmers using the code
  2. maintenance
  3. extension
  4. documentation group
  5. training group
  6. code review
  7. test and validation
  8. manufacturing
  9. field support
  10. first and second line technical support
  11. live debugging
  12. post crash debugging
  13. build system (documentation generation and automatic testing)
  14. unit testing
  15. system testing
  16. source code control
  17. code readers
  18. legal

You are much more careful and more thorough when you really thing about all the personas, all the different people and all their different roles and purposes.


7:52:01 PM    

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Last update: 3/27/02; 7:52:01 PM.
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