8:28:22 PM # your two cents []
8:22:56 PM # your two cents []
From BoingBoing, Cory Doctorow outlines a fantastic project that gets tech to places it hasn't gone before. Danny O'Brien wrote the original piece on the project for us at the Irish Times. Cory sez:
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Having been following Bernie's clearly devoted efforts at housetraining a puppy, I've been thinking about the opposite case, of animals and the people who get them only to dump them after they decide they 'don't fit in with their lifestyles'. As RTE revealed in a news special last year, Ireland has the highest per capita rate in Europe for putting down abandoned dogs -- 30,000 mostly happy fellows whose only crime usually is reacting in a doggish way to being bored stiff alone at home, while owners head to work. I'm sure the cat totals are similar, and then, there's iguanas...
I grew up with a range of cats and one huge dog, a dignified, incredibly gentle and loyal Great Pyrenees who when standing on her hind legs, could hang her paws over my 6'2" father's shoulders. We got her as a puppy -- a big ball of white fluff that at 10 weeks, was larger than most people's fully-grown lapdogs. And she remained a part of our family til her death of old age complications, about 14 years later. Sure, we had white hair everywhere for over a decade -- mom found nests in the trees lined with her fur even long after she'd died (and what a nice, warm lining for baby birds her long white coat must have made). And a very big dog is a very big responsibility. But how different and empty our lives, and my childhood, would have been without her and that big 'smile' which is one of the hallmarks of the breed.
If you have just acquired new animal friends, for yourselves or for your kids -- be aware that your life will need to adjust to their needs. Animals don't just sit quietly in the background waiting until you feel you have time for them (get an Aibo!). They are partners in the household. They will give so much. But they will leave hair around, and maybe try clawing or chewing a few things that look inviting to them. They will make noise to get attention. Just like small children, they will probably break or damage a few things you value when they are puppies and kittens (that's another great reason to get a rescued adult pet from a shelter or breed rescue group instead!).
I have two small calico cats (two are as easy, and often easier, than one, as then they always have a close companion around) -- and I hope someday to have a place big enough to keep a Pyrenees of my own. But I hadn't had cats since I lived with my parents, and I underestimated the demands they would make and the time (many months) it would take for me to adjust to their being there. This didn't annoy me; it just surprised me, then quickly, became a non-issue. The trade-off is so worth it, in a million different ways, but give yourself, and the animals, time to adjust to living together. Be responsible and neuter and spay. And look for the many, many ways of addressing behavioural problems before thinking you must get rid of your new pet. Chances are, he or she will not find a new home and will only become another small body that gets euthanised. BTW, if you are in Ireland, this is a great site for getting a rescued friend, fidning a shelter or advice or links on animals. It's a labour of love by the Irish Internet Association's Net Visionary of the Year 2002, denise cox.
2:50:55 PM # your two cents []
Dail to get tough on use of mobile phones [Irish Times, sub only]:
The new generation of high-tech mobile phones that allow users to send pictures poses a threat to the decorum of the Houses of the Oireachtas, it has emerged.
Since 1998, the use of ordinary mobile phones has been banned inside the Dáil and Seanad, and on the public corridors of Leinster House.
The rule has been most frequently breached by TDs and Senators, more than a few of whom have been interrupted in full flight during speeches to either House by the ringing of their own mobile phones...
...Concerned by the possible invasion of privacy threatened by Vodafone's and O2's much-hyped new image messaging service, the Committee of Procedures and Privileges now intends to get tough.
So, the mobile ban will be enforced. And I'd so looked forward to close-ups of select ministers in full rant mode, snapped by opposition colleagues!
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