More technical detail on Adnan Osmani's browser from a thread on
I got to speak with Adnan (the guy who won) on Saturday at the exibition amongst a crowd while he was demonstrating the software.
It was a very "graphically enhanced" type interface - XBox logos etc - runs only as fixed 800x600 (?) window- which didnt look sizable (?). Not my kind of thing - kind of like browsing inside an WinXP Media Player 8/9. This window splits up into different panes - one for Searches, one for DVD etc.
Searches feature looked useful - and ran fast - but as the cgi interfaces to the smaller web search engines tend to change often I dont know how long all the searches will work for.
DVD player was an embedded windows media player in a tiny window. I dont know how useful this is really as it still does take up a lot of the screen space, and who looks at films while on the web?
DVD's are NOT streamed over the web as has been suggested in some accounts - it is simply a MS Media Player embedded. (I think it was Media Player 7 as it displayed the 3 coloured boxes while it was loading).
- Windows are docked panes (like the Search built into IE) - not the overlaping (MDI) multiple-document-interface. A few windows could be called up to give some low level access to the html and searches.
[snip]Looks like he put a lot of effort put into this... [snip]
How did he do it?? Well there was a lot of jargon thrown around about broadband servers and such (how that related to POTS lines I dont know) but the apparent speed is by several methods -
* One is by making a more direct connection to the servers, by-passing Winsock as if it was on a Lan.
* Another is by every request after the First is made with a Higher Priority So index.html gets normal priority and all other items that make up the page get a High priority.
This I dont like -as its just speeding up pages by skipping other surfers in the queue for server items. [snip]
Fair play to the guy for his coding abilities though on the app itseld. A nice looking app, written in C++, that looked stable. And f it is all smoke and mirrors - it was 12 UCD judges that were fooled.
(Actually, not all the judges were from UCD, but a mix of places. Some extra help was also called in from UCD to get more academic computing expertise.)
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