Stephen Tallent's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 3/25/02; 7:41:58 AM.


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Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Yeah! The new version of the ODBC Extension has been released! The primary change from previous versions is support of OS X. I also fixed some old bugs along the way, too.

The ODBC Extension works with Frontier and Radio on Windows, Mac OS 8/9, and Mac OS X. As an example of Radio utilization, this post includes a very simple macro that retrieves a bestseller list from a local MS SQLServer database. It is a simple query that gets the top ten selling books for the previous 7 days. And the query happens at publish time. (The Radio client is OS X and the database is on Win2k Server)

Here goes:

1. Teach Me to Pray
2. Forgiveness, The Passionate Journey
3. Prayer, Stress, and Our Inner Wounds
4. Quiet Spaces
5. Heart Whispers
6. Selecting Church Leaders
7. Jesus' Claims -- Our Promises
8. In the Shadow of God's Wings
9. In the Shadow of God's Wings: Group Study Guide
10. Servants, Misfits, and Martyrs

12:49:26 PM    

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