Stephen Tallent's Radio Weblog :
Updated: 3/25/02; 7:42:36 AM.


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Monday, March 25, 2002

I have been spending a lot of time with Flash MX since it was released. To my pleasent surprise, it lives up to at least part of the marketing hype. It is slowing turning into a decent client-side application development environment. And the new and improved object and event model in MX allows a developer to use a much more traditional application design approach. Not near as much voodoo needed to get things to work as in Flash 5. And with the xml support getting a major speed boost, I bet we will be seeing a lot more Flash front-ends for web apps, and hopefully now it will be because it truly is a better way to do it, and not because the designer just wanted to.

7:41:44 AM    

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