Updated: 18/08/2003; 12:46:09.
mobile, product design, user experience, project and team management ... and various things

12 November 2002

Great notes and an interesting look at how someone begins to construct a novel.
Psychically Bruegel anticipated color reproduction. His color paintings reproduce so well. He knew about this because of having done so many drawings for engraving.

12:57:12 AM     comments

US spends many millions a year repainting military vehicles. Nano-paint might help.
12:56:31 AM     comments

good comeback on articles multi-modal customer support from a call centre perspective by Paul Anderson
12:54:14 AM     comments

- a B+ report: Touch screen voting machines a hit
- and a C- report.

Kind of related: BBC tells us why websites are getting easier to use.
12:51:30 AM     comments

And it's great work too. [via BoingBoing]
12:43:19 AM     comments

Minako Takeno's "Experiment of Shape" using magnetic fluid
The magnetic fluid makes a flat surface on the plate. When magnetic power is applied from below, a small protrusion appears on the surface of the fluid. The number of protrusions increase with the increase of magnetic power, and it becomes a half-sphere of spikes.
[via BoingBoing?]
12:42:26 AM     comments

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