Monday, March 3, 2003

John's Sunshine

Grey skies and mostly cloudy, they said. 80 percent chance of rain all day. Dreary weather into the night. The wind carried a chill. The storm clouds threw down torrents of rain.

In the studio every day, John plays eclectic music and talks to his listeners in his low, comforting voice. And he hosts musicians live on the air. When today's musicians had packed up and gone, John played "Let the Sunshine In". And the clear notes of the guitar and the joyous, clamoring voices rang out on radios throughout the city.

And then.

And then the gray clouds parted. And the dark sky gave way to turquoise blue. And the sun shone brightly. And the people in the streets stopped and turned their eyes upwards and pointed to the sky. And they marvelled at such a thing.

I heard it. I saw it. It happened.

John Aielli's Eklektikos, KUT radio, Austin TX
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