Saturday, March 8, 2003

Fallen Fence Finally Fixed

I built a workbench once.


Yes. There's no need to look at me like that. Contrary to common belief I do know what a hammer and saw are for.

So why has that section of fence been down so long in your backyard? Why does your poor wife have to fret about her dog high-tailing it around the neighborhood? Why don't you use that hammer and saw!?

I built a workbench once. Really I did.

And the fence?

It's fixed. (You know there's no need to be nasty about this.) I just figured there wasn't any real rush. I was waiting for the right day. And after all, it was on the other side of another fence, a chain link fence that kept the dog at home (most of the time). The dog was just fine.

And your wife?

Well funny you should ask, she just sat there and watched the whole thing without saying a word. She sat there with her dog in her lap while I removed each nail from the old pickets and put up the new 2x4s and then pounded the old nails into the old pickets and put it back together again. Without any new pickets, ok only two, but without a single new nail.

And your wife's reaction?

About the nails?

No. About the fence.

Um... she said she was "proud" of me.

Proud!? You've got to be kidding.

Yes, ... proud. I don't think she knew that I had built a workbench once.

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