Wednesday, October 8, 2003

The Jelly Donut

There was this jelly donut, see. Normally such a thing would have no attraction, but with lunch lost to an unexpected meeting and that powdered jelly donut left alone in its box well into the afternoon, it was hard to resist. It sat there, taunting me each time I walked by.

Early afternoon gave way to late, and the donut was still there. Yet I remained steadfast. My iron will persisted, weakened perhaps by each encounter but undaunted in the end. For there came a time, around 3 o'clock or 4, when I walked by the box and the jelly donut was no more.

The taunting was over. The temptations were gone. I could let down my defenses and walk comfortably by.

I walked off to my next meeting. And as I rounded a corner and started across the cafeteria, I saw before me a table with many slices of cake arrayed in neat rows. And plates. And napkins. And forks.

My defenses were down. I put a piece of cake on a plate, and I ate it.

At least I resisted the donut.

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