Sunday, October 26, 2003

Some More Crows

I wrote something about crows tonite, I blurted out as we lay in the dark. It was three sentences. Wanna guess?

She was silent for a moment, and then she tentatively took a stab at one sentence that was remarkably close.

I chuckled and said, What next?

She thought for a moment again and came up with another good line, although the thought she had captured was actually part of my first.

Not bad! And?

After yet another moment she pronounced her final guess that was really right on. I laughed with glee that she had come so close based on so little.

Here is her rendition of Some Crows with no clue about the matter other than the number of sentences and the subject (crows):

Some crows flew by to Houston.
They were big and black.
They flew by and then on to somewhere else.

Now I know we were made for each other.

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