Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Long Winded Explanation

The sun was rapidly going down. We were battling the time shift of last weekend. It would be dark soon. So we wasted no time and started running right away.

As we stepped onto the pedestrian bridge, he asked me, So what have you been up to today?

That's an innocent enough question. One that when asked out of politeness might elicit an answer of Not much or The usual, and when asked with genuine curiosity might involve an answer consisting of a sentence or two. But I had more of an answer to give.

We work together, he and I, and he had seen me coming and going up and down the hall all day. I suppose he was wondering what was up.

Four miles later, as we completed our circuit and slowed to a walk, I finished what I was saying and added, So that was a long answer to your question.

I'm not sure he wondered that much.

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