Thursday, November 27, 2003

For These Things

For a dog that sings with me in the morning.
For a cat who is the silent side that the dog doesn't have.
For a boy who hops out of bed in the morning when I ask (sometimes).
For a Trudy who waves her hands and swings her hips to Blondie.
For Blondie and Boston and Don Walser playing on the blasting stereo.
For a brother who sent an Onkyo from eBay unlooked for.
For nieces and a nephew in the cold north.
For a sister-in-law who loves fantasy and science fiction.
For cousins and cousin-kids and cousin-spouses.
For three cousin-dogs and one cousin-cat.
For a mother-in-law with a big brick house on the coastal prairie.
For a brother-in-law with books.
For a sister-in-law and her kids my boy's age.
For aunts who are Chachis.
For a father and step-mother who travel the world.
For a step-father who plays trombone and owns a Mac and fixes things.
For a mother who always understands.
For evening runs on the lake or at the middle school track.
For swirling golden Ash leaves at the doorstep.
For blue sky and sun.
For green grass and growing trees.
For a wonderful life in a wonderful land.

For all these things on this and every day I am thankful.

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