Sunday, November 30, 2003

After Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving is over. The goose isn't so fat anymore.

The chill of autumn worked its way down to the Gulf this weekend, turning on heaters and turning out blankets all around Houston. Whereas shorts and short-sleeve shirts seemed about right for the trip when we left, when we arrived we felt differently.

The temperature dropped with each mile we drove, and we got to wondering about our potted plants and heater-turned-off back home. And we got to wishing that we had brought something warmer to wear.

Still, the sun shined brightly all weekend long. And even though it was chilly and the wind blew mightily for a day or two, there is something about the sun shining against a bright blue sky that warms the soul.

So in spite of autumn and in spite of the wind, the long weekend let us recharge a bit, including as it did a visit with family and a long overdue visit with a long-time friend and a feast of turkey and potatoes and stuffing and casserole and cranberry sauce (molded perfectly to the shape of the can) and corn and sweet potatoes and pumpkin bread and pie.


The air still has a chill in it now. But the sun never faded during the day, and the blue sky stayed with us all the way home. And we pulled into the driveway in the early afternoon, which means that we are here while thousands are still out there driving in the dark amid the chaos and panic of Interstate-10.

That we are here at home and not there on the road is cause enough to be thankful. So I count my blessings and wish many for you.

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