Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Tollway Bunnies

May I have a receipt, please? I asked the woman at the toll booth.

She smiled and said yes and handed me the receipt along with my change. I took what she gave me and smiled back. But when I looked up at her, she wasn't looking at me anymore but rather gazing into the distance.

I thought I might see some bunnies today, she said. I saw some yesterday, but I haven't seen any today.

I looked over at the field, long grass waving in the breeze with a dark black thunderstorm sky in the background.

Maybe the rain scared them away, I said.

I looked at her, and she looked back at me.

What do you do when it rains? I asked. Do you get soaked?

Oh no, she said, pointing to the roof many feet above us. I don't get wet.

I felt a little silly for asking, since it was clear that roof was meant to keep the elements away. I was about to drive off.

Although, she added, the other day it was raining and I looked up and a single rain drop came down... She pointed to the roof, and then she slowly traced a line down to her face. ... and it hit me right on the nose.

I laughed. A car pulled up behind me. I said goodbye and drove off.

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