Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jack and Julia's Wonderful Day

There were blue boats to swim with
and towels to warm up with
and a great place to sit
in a good comfy spot.

There was a raft in the sun
and a big kid to play with
and bluegills to grab
from the end of the dock.

There was a paddleboat for paddling
and a table for eating
with that big kid who had
so many things to say.

And of course the still water
and the pines in the west
and the pink setting sun
at the end of the day.

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What Happened There

So there was taps that Jasper played on his violin after sunset from the dock by the water. And there was Katherine (sometimes) falling asleep to it.

There was Jack running into the water at full tilt over and over and over. There was Julia finagling a nickle at the end of the day. And there was Ben with the two of them scooping up Bluegills with a fish net at the end of the dock.

There were teenagers on the raft with the sun setting behind them. There were bowls and bowls of blueberries. And there was red raspberry pie.

There was Julie up on skis, and Sandy and Liza and Ben and the other Ben and Colin and Jasper and Jenny and Sandra and Lucy. And one time, there were five of them at once, waving as they passed by.

There were canoes and row boats and paddle boats and sail boats. There were inner tubes and sand toys. There was swimming across the lake. And there was a little fuzzy puppy.

There were cool evenings and a breeze off the lake to push the mosquitoes back into the woods. There were lily pads in the water. And turtles. And snakes. And herons. And ducks. And seven swans a-swimming.

There were tents beside the trees and plenty of time to nap in them if the urge arrived. And there was zenana (your last grandmother) that had us laughing in stitches so hard that tears ran from our eyes and our stomachs hurt.

Yes, it rained. Yes, some days were cold. But omg what fun it was what happened there!

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