Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

vendredi 19 juillet 2002

The weekend is coming. So let's look at some light news about television, provided by Reuters.

First they went wider, then flatter, and now televisions are set to go floppy.
Roll-up, flexible televisions, akin to the melting watches of Salvador Dali's surreal landscapes, have become possible thanks to a glowing plastic compound perfected in the laboratories of Britain's Cambridge Display Technology (CDT).
``You're effectively printing televisions,'' CDT Chief Executive David Fyfe told Reuters. ``They can be printed onto thin plastic almost like paper.''
Roll-up televisions will allow viewers of the future to flip their sets out of sight like projector screens and will come with a similar price tag to bulkier boxes.

Imagine this summer scene. You go to the beach. After unrolling your beach mat, you unfold your TV. You start to open a Coke or a beer. And thanks to a wireless network, you start watching TV while catching on your suntan. And what do you see? George Bush and Dick Cheney talking about how guilty the Enron and Worldcom executives are.

Well, I'd better stop here before you start having nightmares.

Anyway, you will not see this kind of devices on a beach before three years at least.

Source: Reuters, July 19, 2002

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