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Day level permalink May 14, 2004

You want the UN to help in Iraq?   With help like this?

Chad's poor left to help each other
In the past year, Tine's population has more than doubled as refugees have poured out of the Darfur region of western Sudan, fleeing Arab militiamen mounted on horses and camels who are waging a campaign of ethnic cleansing against their black Muslim neighbours.

"Money seems to have disappeared. Who knows whether it has been stolen or whether it has just disappeared in the UN machine. The inefficiency is astounding."

Refugees cannot walk into the half-empty camps. Regulations demand that they must be turned away if they do.

It would seem that the United Nations has run out of money. Lorries supposed to transport refugees to the camps lie stranded as there is not enough for fuel. Drivers have been on strike because they have not been paid for a month.

1:59:09 PM  Item-level permalink    

Evidence is “something that indicates,” according to Webster. 

So don't let any one tell you there is no evidence that Saddam is linked directly to 9/11.

Here is a lot of evidence that Saddam is linked with Osama bin laden.

1:25:08 PM  Item-level permalink    

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