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Day level permalink August 4, 2004

Sudanese Protest UN; African Union Readies Troops
Reuters - Tens of thousands of Sudanese marched on the UN headquarters in Khartoum on Wednesday in protest of any possible Western military intervention to combat atrocities in Darfur.

Did I miss the story of thousands of Sudanese protesting the actual atrocities in Dafur?  Are these people confused?  The West wants to STOP the killing of the Sudanese.

3:32:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

Young whiz behind data worm virus
The Age - A German teenager arrested in May was responsible for 70 per cent of viruses received worldwide in the first half of this year.
10:19:20 AM  Item-level permalink    

Dictators, Facists, Despots, and Rogue Regimes.  You are either with them, or against them.

About 30% of the United Nation member states have what we would recognize as basic freedoms for their citizens.  The other 70% are dictators, facists, despots, and rogue regimes.

If you are against dictators, facists, despots, and rogue regimes, then you will always find it difficult to get consensus at the UN.

However, if you want to protect the rights of dictators, facists, despots, and rogue regimes, the UN is the perfect vehicle.

10:16:39 AM  Item-level permalink    

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