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Day level permalink April 11, 2005

I am going to be talking about "Phishing" and "Pharming" with Geoff Currier on CJOB at 10pm CST.

You can listen live here.

9:27:28 PM  Item-level permalink    

Study: Red Light Cameras Increase Fatal Rear End Accidents (Ontario)
Although three studies have shown a significant increase in rear-end collisions where red light cameras are used, cities using the devices are quick to dismiss such findings. Camera proponents maintain that such collisions are far less severe than angle collisions. This December 2003 study commissioned by Ontario, Canada's Ministry of Transporation shows that those rear-end collisions can be fatal. (Other studies drawing similar conclusions: Virginia, North Carolina, Australia.)

After evaluating the performance of red light cameras at 68 sites over two years, the report concluded that jurisdictions using photo enforcement experienced an overall increase in property damage accidents of 18.5 percent coupled with a 4.9 percent increase in fatal and injury rear-end collisions. Rear-end collisions involving property damage alone jumped 49.9 percent.

4:09:41 PM  Item-level permalink    

Farmers file $7B mad cow lawsuit

A group of farmers on Monday filed a $7-billion class-action lawsuit against the federal government, alleging its failure to protect against mad cow disease led to a crisis in the cattle industry.

"The loss of billions of dollars by the Canadian cattle industry was the result of gross incompetence and negligence on the part of the Canadian government," said a statement from the group.

The suit, which represents farmers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec, says Ottawa lost track of nearly half the 191 cows from Britain that were supposed to be tracked for signs of bovine spongiform encephalopathy to prevent them from being used in cattle food.

[CBC | Canadian News]

3:05:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

Ahenakew is now saying that he is a holocaust victim.

I have no problem with that, but what would he say if a leader of a community said that the natives were a "disease", or that they caused the genocide that they fell victim to?  I suspect he would be calling for prosecution...

Yes, the native community have been under attack for 500 years.  The Indian Act and Residential Schools could be argued to be genicidal policies.

This does not excuse the former head of the Assembly of First Nations of allegedly inciting hatred with anti-Semitic remarks.

3:01:53 PM  Item-level permalink    

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