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Day level permalink May 31, 2005

Deep Throat revealed? 
Boing Boing  - W. Mark Felt was Deep Throat, claims Vanity Fair. In 2003, students at the University of Illinois presented a convincing case that Fred Fielding was Woodward and Bernstein's key source when they broke the Watergate story in the Washington Post. But Felt, formerly the #2 spook in the FBI, says he really was the guy. Link
4:35:15 PM  Item-level permalink    

Toronto woman named Miss Universe
CBC Toronto - Natalie Glebova, 23-year-old model from Toronto, has been named Miss Universe at a pageant in Bangkok. A 12-judge panel selected the Ryerson University student from among five finalists after a round of on-stage questions.

The winning answer to "What's your biggest challenge in life?":

"The biggest challenge in my life is always trying to think positive. I consider myself the kind of person who sees the world as a glass half-full, instead of half-empty. And even though sometimes it's hard to look at life this way, I always try to maintain the positive side in life," said Glebova, who is a motivational speaker and a model, before winning over spectators with a simple "kop khun kha" (thank you) and a wai.

1:52:38 PM  Item-level permalink    

Liberals counter Tory motion on Gomery inquiry
Canadian TV News - The Liberals are fighting a Conservative motion calling on Justice John Gomery to name names and assign responsibility in the sponsorship scandal.
1:51:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

Miniature Porn
Forbes - In the new era of cellular entertainment the phrase "obscene phone call" has taken on a whole new meaning. Pornography is headed to your cell phone, if you want it.
9:28:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

Yahoo! Naked Woman Lawsuit Promising?
Bayou Buzz -Will Cecilia Barnes recover in her lawsuit against the online service Yahoo! where she claims the Internet company failed to remove naked pictures of her posted by her former boyfriend despite an alleged promise made by the company to do so.
9:27:40 AM  Item-level permalink    

9-Year-Old Accused Of Stabbing
CBS News - A 9-year-old girl fatally stabbed an 11-year-old girl in the chest with a kitchen knife during a fight over a ball, authorities said. The 9-year-old, whose name wasn't released, was charged with manslaughter.
9:15:52 AM  Item-level permalink    

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