DreamFactory News
DreamFactory News is the source for information about DreamFactory, the first browser based development environment for web services.


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  Thursday, April 11, 2002

I know as much about "My Services" as anybody, and I'm sad to see them go, especially after the large investment we made in building applications for that platform. This was the christmas tree that all the other web services were going to hang from. This was the big OS in the sky, the content of .Net. So now we're all dressed up with no place to go, I mean, XMethods is great, but do they have to do everything? I'm starting to think that the purpose of web services is to replace HTML as a front end, and to support the DreamFactory Client OS. Microsoft may be trying to put the genie back in the bottle...

8:55:29 AM    

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Last update: 4/11/02; 8:55:34 AM.

April 2002
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