The Collaborative Callendaring Project is going well. I had a few questions about XSpace, the flexible architecture for XML data from Xmethods, but so far XSpace is working well and is lightening fast. One of the issues in this kind of thing is the fixed cost of any HTTP transaction versus the variable cost of payload size. XSpace lets you break the problem into arbitrary units for performance and structure. This is much easier than My Services where complicated Query, Replace, Delete, etc. operations had to be performed.
The Collaborative Callendaring Project will let someone log on, manage their calendar, overlay their calendar with others, and add animation to any day. There will also be "smart icons" that are miniature web services that can be dropped on a calendar day box. These are like viruses hooking up to a protien: they pick up on information from the day, and automatically configure themselves accordingly. So if on the 14th you are going to a pic-nic, the Smart Weather Icon will show the weather at that location. Or if on the 27th you are visiting company XYZ, the Smart Stock Icon will automatically pick up on XYZ ticker symbol.
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