SpaceKitty Wanderings

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Aimée's Recent Radio Work

Visit Scorcher Radio for more radio features and documentaries

Media, Democracy, Peace & Justice. 5 minute audio collage using the voices of "Making Contact" for their 10th anniversary (5 minutes, MP3)

Documenting Torture: Holding the United States Accountable. On this edition, we trace the seeds of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal to 9/11 and previous to that time. We hear from survivors of torture, human rights advocates, and a soldier. And we'll revisit the official government reaction. (29 minutes, Real Audio)

On a Mission. Scott and Joe were both raised in the Mormon community. But being gay puts them at odds with their families and the church.(26 minutes, Real Audio)

July 2007
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
quake preparedness
of everyone i've heard discussing friday's shaker, i seem to be the only one that is minimally prepared (water, food, radio, candles, flashlight, first aid kit,,,).  for a moment i felt geeky, like i'm a fear-hound.  but then i realized, everyone else is just sticking their head in the sand.  

well-presented site on EQs.

see where your house is on the shaking hazard map.

a few hours invested could make a BIG difference...

1:55:25 AM  comment []    


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