Y. B. Normal
Ziv Caspi can't keep his mouth shut.
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Updated: 2002-09-22; 2:30:32 PM.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002
What does Hamas want? 2:58:19 PM • comment []Google It!

...You roll in and crush everything and break the will of the normal Palestinian person leaving no hope of a normal life. Hamas rolls in right behind you and shows them they have nothing to live for and sends over the line to blow up buses... [pberry: Radio Edition]

This is, in fact, wrong. Hamas has a very clear agenda it sells. That it is possible, through a terror war of attrition, to destroy the state of Israel and take its place. That's why both the current and previous goverments of Israel put such an emphasis over not caving in to threats of terrors: once you open the door, you're doomed. (The problem with both, IMHO, is that they mostly settled for this "no budge" policy and done little else.)

© Copyright 2002 Ziv Caspi.

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