Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 2/2/2006; 2:09:32 AM.


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Comments by: YACCS

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Monday, January 02, 2006

James Comey:  An Unsung Hero

Comey truly is the kind of career public servant that we should be proud of in this country. It's a shame so many of them have been replaced by political cronies under Bush.

Noone knows if 2006 will be the year the power of the despots in this country will be checked, but if it happens it will be due to people like James Comey who after only three weeks on the job as the number two man in the Justice Department went to John Ashcroft in December of 2003 and told him he had to recuse himself from the CIA leak investigation.

It was also James Comey who appointed his good friend, the godfather to his son, Patrick Fitzgerald as Special Counsel and gave him the power to do the job without interference.

According to the New York Times, it now appears that when John Ashcroft was hospitalized for a gall bladder operation in March of 2004, Andy Card and Abu Gonzales had to go his hospital bed and ask for approval of key parts of the warrantless wiretapping program because his acting deputy refused to certify it.

Pete Williams was on MSNBC today spinning the yarn that James Comey's objections to the NSA wiretapping scheme were only momentary and technical, and that he eventually was part of the effort to get the NYT to sit on the story.

I just wish people would preface any mention of Pete Williams' opinion with a little caveat mentioning his ties to Cheney. How about:
"Ex-Cheney Staffer Pete Wiliams"   Let's not act like we don't know this. Geez...

"In 1986 he joined the Washington, DC staff of then Congressman Dick Cheney as press secretary and a legislative assistant. In 1989, when Cheney was named Assistant Secretary of Defense, Williams was appointed Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs."
While this tale is I suppose possible it sounds quite unlikely, and its successful perpetuation depends on two things:

1) That Comey himself will not come out and challenge it. Probably true.

2) That nobody in the blogosphere will ferret around in the news vaults and set Comey's relationship to the Administration during his brief stint at the DoJ in its proper context.

In this particular instance the context is set by Orin Kerr over at the Volokh Conspiracy, who unearths this superb bit from the Legal Times in October 2004:
There are a number of candidates who could be tapped to replace John Ashcroft as attorney general if President George W. Bush wins re-election. But perhaps the most obvious choice, Deputy AG James Comey, almost certainly will not be.

Since his confirmation as the No. 2 Justice Department official in December 2003, sources close to the department say Comey has had a strained relationship with some of the president's top advisers . . . .

Earlier this year, after the disclosure of internal administration memos that seemed to condone the torture of suspected terrorists overseas, Comey pushed aggressively for the Justice Department's memos to be released to the media and for controversial legal analyses regarding the use of torture to be rewritten.

In a deeply partisan administration that places a high premium on political loyalty, sources say Comey — a career prosecutor and a former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York — is not viewed as a team player.

"[Comey] has shown insufficient political savvy," says the former official. "The perception is that he has erred too much on the side of neutrality and independence."
And:"The appointment of Pat Fitzgerald is the kind of decision that the White House isn't thrilled with," says one former DOJ official. "Comey knew what he was doing when he appointed Pat."

Comey announced his resignation from the Justice Department in March 2005. And when BushCo. tried to appoint a Skull & Bones crony to oversee Fitzgerald, Comey did an end run around them and appointed the extremely ethical David Margolis to the task as his parting shot out the door.

Thank you Fitz, Comey, Feingold, Murtha, Cantwell, and Reid for showing that there are still people of courage and honor in American public life.

Thanks to all the brave and tireless people who fought for the underdog; from Bono and Bob Geldof working on debt relief for the Third World, to the Red Cross for providing disaster relief from Indonesia to New Orleans, to Noah's Wish and the Humane Society for rescuing furry family members, and all the volunteers who put their lives on hold to go help those in need.

Here's to 2006: May the Good Guys Win the Big Ones!

categories: Politics
Other Stories according to Google: Daily Kos: James Comey | Daily Kos: An Unsung Hero | Winds of Change | The Torture Debate in America - Cambridge University Press | The Torture Debate in America - Cambridge University Press | The Torture Debate in America - Cambridge University Press | The Torture Debate in America - Cambridge University Press | The Torture Debate in America - Cambridge University Press | The Torture Debate in America - Cambridge University Press | The Torture Debate in America - Cambridge University Press

9:19:24 PM    

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